
5 Signs It’s Time To Update Your Software (And How To Do It Safely)

Posted on Oct 16 2024.
software update

Software updates can feel like a nuisance, but skipping them is one of the easiest ways to leave your systems vulnerable to cyber-attacks. Hackers are constantly looking for weaknesses, and outdated software is like an open door to your network.

But how do you know when it’s time to update, and should you always trust your computer to tell you? Here are five clear signs it’s time to update, plus tips on how to handle updates safely.

The S.E.C.U.R.E. Method To Stop Phishing E-mails

Posted on Oct 9 2024.
secured envelope

Phishing attacks are the most common cybercrime attack for one reason…they work. Every day, over 3.4 billion spam e-mails reach unsuspecting users’ inboxes. Phishing e-mails have held the top spot as the most frequent form of attack for years because they’re easy to implement, easy to scale and continue to fool people. AI tools like ChatGPT are now making it even easier for cybercriminals to create e-mails that look and sound like they’re coming from humans instead of bots and scammers. If you’re not careful, the effects of phishing scams can be detrimental.

The End Is Almost Here! Windows 10 Will No Longer Be Supported As Of October 2025

Posted on Oct 1 2024.
windows 10

Important News: Microsoft will NO LONGER support Windows 10 after October 2025! While these PCs will still work after the official end date of October 14, 2025, Microsoft will no longer provide product key free services that keep your device working properly and securely. These services include:

  • Security updates
  • Non-security updates
  • Technical support

Why Is This Important For Business Owners?

Microsoft Copilot Techniques To Boost Business Productivity

Posted on Sep 24 2024.
AI robot

Even if you’re tired of hearing about AI, the reality is that those who embrace it, find the tools that work and learn how to use them efficiently WILL get ahead of those who refuse to try. However, sorting through the thousands of AI-powered programs on the market can feel like a daunting task, which is why we want to highlight one that we support.

The CrowdStrike Outage: How To Avoid A Future IT Crisis

Posted on Sep 18 2024.
blue screen and man

When 8.5 million Windows devices, including those at airlines, banks and hospitals, suddenly displayed the “Blue Screen of Death,” people began to panic. “We are under a cyber-attack!” most speculated. Fortunately, that was not the case, but the real reason behind the outage is alarming and something every business owner should be concerned about.

10 Warning Signs Of Medical Fraud And How To Protect Yourself

Posted on Sep 10 2024.
medical fraud

Health insurance is designed to provide access to necessary treatments, preventive services and emergency care to individuals and families in need, and, apparently, now it’s also used to hand out paydays to scammers.

The Hidden Dangers Of Shortcuts In IT Security

Posted on Sep 4 2024.
man between 2 doors

The National Cancer Institute in Maryland recently analyzed data from three major US health studies that gathered information on people’s daily multivitamin use. They discovered that people who took daily multivitamins had a 4% higher mortality rate than those who didn’t.

Recent Cyber-Attacks Highlight The Urgency Of Strong Cybersecurity For All Businesses

Posted on Aug 27 2024.

If the software your organization used to close deals and pay employees unexpectedly went down and you had no idea when it would be fixed, what would you do? Could you continue doing business? How much money would you lose? Unfortunately, in June, this happened to over 15,000 US- and Canada-based car dealerships when two cyber-attacks occurred on the popular industry software provider, CDK Global.

Vacation Travel Scams Are Up 900%

Posted on Aug 20 2024.
online travel scam

Summer is a popular time for vacation travel. If you’re looking to squeeze in any last-minute travel, there is a scam circulating that you need to be aware of. As costs for everything from food to travel continue to increase, the logical step is to search for the best deals online to book a memorable trip without breaking your budget. According to, cybercriminals have decided to capitalize on this need and are now using one scarily convincing, AI-generated phishing e-mail that can cost victims way more than their vacation fund.

Cybercriminals Are Faking Data Breaches: How AI Is Fueling This New Scam

Posted on Aug 14 2024.

Just when you think cybercriminals will run out of new ideas for how to scam people, they find a way to get creative and surprise you. Now they’re faking data breaches, hoping to steal money from unsuspecting business owners and dark web data buyers alike.

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