Tech Tip: 3 Security Solutions for Your Multifunction Printer

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 03/16/2022 - 10:54
A man operating his multifunction printer

With the rise of remote and hybrid workforces, security solutions are becoming ever more important. That's especially true for multifunction printer users who may not realize that an unsecured printer is like an open door leading right to sensitive company data.

Don't fall victim to printer insecurity. Check out these three security solutions for your multifunction printer fleet.

Top Three Printer Security Solutions

It may not always be easy to enhance security in your workplace, especially if that "workplace" is now spread across the state, country, or world thanks to COVID-19 restrictions. However, there are plenty of ways to protect your data--and three of our favorites start with your multifunction printer.

Here's a closer look:

#1: Consolidate your fleet

Do you have redundant or outdated machines? If so, it's often wise to consolidate--not just to optimize your multifunction printer fleet but to minimize the number of devices you have to protect. (Hint: This is especially important if most of your employees are working from home and not using the on-site fleet.)

#2: Update your software

Software updates are easy to put off, but procrastination can come back to haunt you. If you don't update your multifunction printer when prompted, you're leaving it vulnerable to digital attacks, data theft, and more.

#3: Control user access

Limiting user access to your multifunction printer makes it easier for employees to find the features they need. This kind of control also limits the risk of uninvited guests using your machine to steal sensitive data or access other devices on your network.


Although security solutions seem to get more and more complex, the truth is that some of the best options are also the simplest--especially when it comes to your multifunction printer. Of course, there are still all kinds of threats and pitfalls just waiting to catch you unaware--so as far as print security goes, it's often best to turn to the experts.

Contact us today for more tech tips, security solutions, and multifunction printer wisdom.

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