The Risks of Printing Confidential Documents

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 10/28/2018 - 10:10

Printing issues can have a significant impact on your company's workflows. One of the more frustrating and potentially severe problems has to do with how employees print and retrieve documents.

Read on to find out how your workflows and managed print can work together to improve document security and lower costs.

Facing the Risks

If your company hasn't developed a policy for printing confidential documents, here's what could happen.

  1. A manager sends a confidential document containing a confidential employee performance review to a centralized multifunction device for printing. She is interrupted en route to the copier and neglects to claim the document.
  2. An HR employee sends confidential insurance applications to the nearest printer. Because another job is already in the tray, another employee picks up the applications and accidentally routes them to another department along with his report.
  3. An employee sends a highly confidential document to the printer, unaware of a paper jam that's holding up a lengthy queue. He spends the afternoon with one eye on his work and another on the printer in hopes of intercepting the document before it goes missing.

In each of these scenarios, confidential documents either went missing or were in danger of doing so. With each case, a security breach has either already occurred or was in the making, employee workflows were seriously interrupted, and the original job had to be reprinted.

Implementing the Solutions

The ability to send print jobs to any printer on your network benefits your workflows, but not at the expense of security.

Are printing issues causing snags in your workflows? For help solving the problem, contact us at TC Technologies today!


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