Print Security Risks You Might Overlook

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 11/28/2018 - 03:11
print security

Here's hoping print security is not a new term for your office. However, it may not be a priority.

It's time to change that: over half of all businesses have experienced a breach of security through a printer security problem.

Could this be you? If you aren't looking for gaps and looking to find solutions, it certainly could be.

Print Security is More Important Than You May Think

Checking for updates, searching for risks, and evaluating your network protection are all critical aspects of any security strategy, including a print security strategy.

Two key risks that are often downplayed but could wreak havoc on your business include the following:

Data Storage Risk

Some business owners forget that printers store data, information, and resources on a hard drive just like other machines. With updated print security measures in place, you'll have a plan to regularly purge data, secure access to information, and protect additional resources stored on the machine.

Protected Users Risk

If anyone can use your printer or access office devices, that's a security breach waiting to happen. Invest in password protection, badge readers, and audits to understand who is using the machine so you can also trace any questionable activity back to a user.

How to Invest in Print Security

Investing in print security can be as simple as updating your printer software, upgrading your machine, or revamping your network management and data storage.

To learn about when to update and what features your printer has (or what it might need), talk with us at TC Technologies to evaluate your print security today.


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