Dodging the Biggest, Baddest Cybersecurity Threats

Submitted by Tech Support on Thu, 05/26/2022 - 10:06
data protection and internet security concept, user typing

Cybersecurity has been part of the business world for a long time now, but that doesn't mean you should have it all figured out. In fact, the key to cybersecurity is understanding how it changes and how to keep up--which is exactly what we're exploring today. Buckle in as we cover the biggest, baddest cybersecurity threats facing businesses like yours!

The Cybersecurity Balance

The best way to improve cybersecurity in your business is to know what you're up against.

Why? Well, the simple truth is that cybersecurity is always changing in response to new threats. Those threats are also changing as cybercriminals get smarter and new technology introduces unique vulnerabilities--which means cybersecurity is a constant balancing act.

On one side of that balancing act, you've got solutions like managed IT services. On the other side, you've got the biggest, baddest cybersecurity threats like these:


Phishing attacks are like "fishing for clicks." Hackers and other digital criminals send emails that often look highly legitimate, hoping to get your employees to click a link or download an image. These actions would lead to all kinds of trouble--which is why it's important to know how to identify phishing scams (and to remind employees never to click on suspicious links).

Password theft

These days, password theft is as easy as taking a guess. The unfortunate truth is that many users are still relying on single words or, worse, default passwords to protect accounts and data. Other methods of password theft include trick calls or emails where a hacker poses as a provider or other partner and asks for an employee's password to help fix a problem.


Spyware, adware, ransomware, viruses--these are just a few examples of malicious software, otherwise known as malware. The problem is that malware can live anywhere, from pop-up ads to email attachments from unknown senders, so companies have to be especially vigilant. Once a user has taken one of these actions, malware is installed and begins slowing a device, ruining data, or otherwise compromising key functions.


Cybersecurity may be a constant balancing act, but lucky for you, it's not something you have to face alone. There are plenty of tips, tricks, and solutions to help you get the upper hand over cybersecurity threats like phishing, password theft, and malware.

Are you worried about cyber security attacks? Looking for solutions like managed IT services to help protect your company? Contact us today--and don't forget to keep an eye out for our other Tech Tips!

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